Friday, August 8, 2008

Black Bean Corn Salsa

Who likes salsa? Who likes chips? Who likes salsa with chips?

Yea, me too!
I made the salsa this past Monday for Bible Study. I had a hankering for it, so I made it to share.

I learned this recipe while I was in college. One of my roommates would make it whenever she was asked to bring something to a party. After the first bite before she walked out the door, I made her swear that she would bring home the leftovers. There generally wasn't any left over though. Bummer.

But I managed to memorize the recipe. HA! Sometimes that memory thing doesn't fail me!

The Ingredients:
There is one (optional) ingredient missing, a lemon. It's ok though, the world will not come to an end if you don't have lemon.
The Instructions:
Open and drain a can of black beans and a can of corn.
Dice a couple of tomatoes, I used 2 but use as much as you'd like.
Dice about a 1/2 to 2/3 of a yellow onion.
Mince up some garlic, I used 3 cloves maybe that was a little much though.
Dump it all in a bowl and mix.
Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Option: Add juice of a lemon, as much as you feel needed.
It takes no time at all to whip this up. Chopping and dicing takes the longest. Darn chopping and dicing!

Make sure you sample. How do you know it's good if you don't sample?
I would like to point out that no oil or fat was added to the making of this recipe. Therefore, it's gotta be healthy. Right...?


And when that was all done, I had dinner. Dinner of champions I must say. I did spruce this box of macaroni up though. I added some diced onion, sliced up 98% fat free turkey dogs, and real shredded cheese. It was delicious!

Then Bible Study happened and I had more chips and salsa. I'm counting it as a serving of vegetables!

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